Poop happens, even when Mama is bagging meat for the freezer!
By, Jeanine Ison

The time was gun deer season, November 2024. I was recently postpartum and not planning to sit my deer stand because of having a toddler and a newborn at home. A week before deer season, our toddler found her training undies in her dresser and decided she wanted to wear them instead of undies. Which was great- but they were too big on her in the legs and waist. She did not have bladder control yet so she was having accidents ever 20-30 minutes or needing to use the potty that often.

We occasionally had deer through the fields outside our house by our cattle so I was hopeful that maybe a buck would come through.

My toddler needed to go to the bathroom. We come out from going pee and I look out and see two small bucks walking into shooting range! With the newborn sleeping, and thankfully the toddler JUST going pee, this was my opportunity to get a buck! I left the kids in the house with the hubby and step outside with my rifle and shooting stick. The bucks were both just spikes and I knew the nice buck had already been shot by the neighbor so I made the decision which ever turned first for a broadside shot was the one I would take.

One turned, I shot and watched him fall60-70 yard away in the field! I was stoked! I walk back into the house after only being outside for a few minutes and my two year old is holding something in her hand... I ask her what and she excitedly exclaims, "POOP!"

She had pooped in her undies and it had rolled out the leg onto my floor.  We made Dad/my hubby go get the deer for us and gut it for letting the toddler accidentally poop on the floor.

Congratulations, Jeanine! Serious laugh until hiccup status over here at Prois HQ. 

Stay tuned! We have more funny stories that were entered to share in the weeks ahead! 

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