Prois Staffer Journeys...Marcia Hoff!
I am a born and raised Pennsylvania girl and am new to the Prois Posse. But let me tell you, I already know that this is an amazing group of women, and I am so proud to be involved with them! As a late blooming hunter, I always feel like I am playing catch up on all levels of the game and having this company on my side is like cheating time. I only wish I would have joined them sooner.
I started my hunting journey when I got my first wirehaired pointing griffon, just before I turned 40. I had not grown up in a hunting family so watching a dog in the field for the first time was fascinating, and even more so because he was all mine! So, when I witnessed the new love of my life doing what he was bred to do, my life changed its course. I had to enable him to be all that he could be! So, I jumped into the pointing dog scene with both feet, but still only felt comfortable training, handling, and guiding for several years. But that meant I always needed another person to gun for me if I wanted my dog to get a retrieve.
So finally, in my mid 40s, I decided to take the plunge, get a gun, and learn to do the job right. My husband was equally shocked and excited, so he started buying me gear with the gusto of a new father outfitting an infant in baby’s first camo. The only problem is that nothing really fit. I am not very big, but clearly have a lady’s silhouette, and nothing was cut for that type of build. He bought me clothing for small and medium men, large youth, and even clothing that is supposed to be made for women but was clearly not designed by women. So, I tramped around in pants that were difficult to move in, wore coats that hampered my gun mount, and in general always looked like a child wearing dad’s clothing. Plus, I was always either cold or hot. I have to admit, I did a lot of complaining about the situation, “Why aren’t the big companies focusing on women? We are out here and we are hungry for good gear!” We were constantly trying new things, and constantly striking out.
Eventually I heard about Prois and thought I would give it a try. To be honest, I was skeptical because I had gotten other “ladies” hunting clothing but was never impressed, so what would make these items any different? Well, I found that they thought of everything that I like; pockets at the right places, tucks for bending, layers for changes in temperature (this is crazy important for a lady in her 50s!), a cut that is flattering and functional, fabric that’s durable, and the list goes on and on! The difference is real! This stuff fits and it is better made than a lot of what my husband is wearing. I think he is actually a little jealous of the Veil Camo, and I don’t blame him because it is definitely the coolest pattern out there!
While I continued to search for the proper gear, my hunting practices continued to evolve. I now find myself in the field or the duck blind as often as I can, which turns out to be a lot more than my husband and most of the other guys I hunt with. A morning in the blind or a day in the field makes me so happy and is more satisfying than I ever can explain! Each season I make new goals and end with new cherished memories. But even though I have harvested quite a few types of birds, I still have many on my bucket list. And I know that Prois is going to be there to help me reach my season goals and go beyond them, keeping me hidden and comfortable in the blind and helping me move easily through the woods and the fields.
I am now totally sold on Prois merchandise, but as I have joined this group I have discovered that Prois isn’t just about amazing clothing and gear. It is a mindset. It is women supporting women. It is a sisterhood encouraging each other to be the bad asses they were born to be! And though, at this point I only consider myself to be a bird hunter, I am pretty sure this group of extraordinary women is going to inspire me to expand my horizons. My crystal ball is showing some big game hunting, and some awesome trips in my future. And the vision absolutely shows me decked out in the best hunting gear around, because… I am Prois!