Prois Staff Journeys…Aby Rinella
Hunting has always been a part of my life. My mother was an avid hunter and passed that down to me. I don’t remember a day that the meat on our table was not provided by our own hands, and now, I am able to pass that down to my daughters.
My greatest struggle in the field was always staying warm, this always held me back from my full potential. In order to be warm, I would have to wear big, bulky clothing, which was never conducive to the distance and elevation we needed to cover on our high-altitude, back country hunts.
Women’s hunting lines never lived up to what I needed. They were often just shunken down versions of men’s lines that never fit, with pink sprinkled on to make me feel better (it didn’t), or they were cheaply made and not the quality needed for avid female hunters.
A few years ago, I discovered PROIS. I was skeptical at first, so, before I tried it out, I looked into the company.
I discovered the creator and CEO of this line was a real-life woman that actually hunted, and hunted hard, not someone sitting in a high-rise in the city that had never stepped foot into the field.
That was enough to push me to make my first purchase.
The gear was top of the line and far exceeded my needs and expectations.
The camo pattern disappeared in every terrain I hunted.
Every detail had been tested, thought through, and perfected.
But this was just the beginning.
I began to learn that Prois is not just the best women’s hunting line out there, but it is actually a community of women that share a passion.
Real women. Real hunters. From all walks of life.
There were not women that were competing with one another but, rather, women that were coming alongside one another, inspiring, encouraging, and challenging one another, with a great respect for what we do and how we do it.
They were also not women that were trying to compete with men in the field, trying to prove themselves as hunters, but, instead, women who were confident in and embraced their womanhood. Hunting alongside our men, knowing that we are part of a greater team.
Prois understands the woman hunter, because Prois IS the woman hunter. Whatever she looks like, wherever she hunts, and whatever elements and challenges she may face, Prois provides the best gear for it all.
My name is Aby Rinella
I am a woman
I am a hunter