As a grandmother of six beautiful grands ranging from two to fourteen, I find it my greatest joy to spend time with them, and doing something outside is always on my mind. As a hunter, I have many opportunities to spend time in nature, and my grandson, Bodie, is incredibly excited about all the wonders of exploring the trails at my hunt club. He loves nothing better than going on a nature walk down a dirt road, except maybe sitting in one of my deer stands. Getting our young ones outside to breathe the air and learn about conservation has been an important mission for me, and I am so proud to instill the love for the outdoors any chance I have! 
I recommend age-appropriate activities so that your little ones will understand and enjoy whatever outdoor activity you have planned.  Depending on a child's age, and developmental milestones,  outdoor hunting activities can be as simple as collecting leaves, feathers, flowers, twigs, and stones.  Just being in the woods, out in nature, provides so many health benefits and the joy and memories are priceless! 

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